Hearing God

Madi Myers in the snow, Cook/Photographer, Storyteller, Missionary

My sweet sister and I sat in the car the other night and she asked me what it meant to hear God. And I said, “What the heck, let's just ask Him to speak to us.” We sat there, waiting on God and after not even 2 minutes she said, “Madi, God showed me a movie of you on a mountain surrounded by people who needed help and all you did was love them. I felt like God was saying that He is going to send you to all the people who are poor and tell their stories with your camera.” OKAY. My sister just prophesied and spoke life and a dream over me. This is real life. Arise. Go change the world.

One of the most powerful things we can do for another is to speak life over them, to call things into existence with life-giving words, to remind one another who we are in our deepest identities and prophesy how the Spirit is moving in our lives.

For Lent each of us at My Saint My Hero are praying for one person every day. We invite you to join us, and we also invite you to take it a step further. Did you know you can hear God? Did you know He never stops speaking to us and that He WANTS you to know and hear His voice??

I invite you to ask God to speak to you for another, and then declare that word over the person you are praying for. It can be a picture, a word, a bible verse, even a song. So close your eyes and just rest, and don’t doubt that you can hear God. If my 10 year old sister can hear God, so can you.

Madi Myers, hearing God in the snow, Cook/Photographer, Storyteller, Missionary

So close your eyes and just rest, and don’t doubt that you can hear God.

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– Madi Myers Cook

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